Modern Cartoons: The Automobile in Mid-Century Animation

Animation provides a fascinating window into the past As the automobile took hold in modern life in the 1950s and 1960s, animators produced all kinds of films about automotive culture, exploring its history, its prevalence in society, its impact on human behavior, and explored its future possibilities and potential consequences. These films not only featured the automobile as a plot device, but also provided satirical commentary on the institutions of driving and car ownership.

At mid-century, the automobile was on everyone's mind, and animated shorts with automotive themes were produced by both mainstream studios and independent animators, and in both the U.S. and Europe, including Motor Mania, Automania 2000, and Many of the shorts, such as "Autókor," offered a bleak view of automotive culture, while others were acquired by companies interested in promoting the automobile.

Of course, these films are valuable as historical markers. Today, as our environmentally conscious world moves toward a post-car culture, we worry less and less about driving and car ownership concerns. Modern animators view the automobile through a different prism, most effectively reflected in Pixar's Cars. John Lasseter's film no longer questions or examines the car as such, but offers a wistful, nostalgic ode to a bygone golden age of the automobile that can only be glimpsed by looking in the rearview mirror.

"Motor Mania" (USA, Disney, 1950) Director: Jack Kinney

"Automobile of Tomorrow" (USA, MGM, 1951) Director: Tex Avery

"There's an Auto Be A Law" (USA, Warner Bros, 1953) Directed by Robert McKimson

Four Wheels No Break (USA, UPA, 1955) Directed by Ted Palmeri

Jaywalker (USA, UPA, 1956) Directed by Bove Cannon

Magic Highway USA (USA, Disney, 1958) directed by Ward Kimball

Automania 2000 (UK, Halas & Batchelor, 1963) directed by John Halas

Autocall (Hungary, Pannónia Film Studios, 1964) Directed by István Imre ? István Imre and László ? Réber

Ever-Changing Motor Car (England, TVC London, 1965) Dir: George Dunning, Alan Ball

Mr. Rossi Buys a Car (Italy, Bozzetto Productions, 1966) Directed by Bruno Bozzetto

"What on Earth!" (Canada, NFB, 1966) Directed by Les Drew, Kai Pindall [27]