Rob Non Ron," Aiming for Cartoon CGI

The key word in computer animation these days is "fun," and more and more artists seem to be exploring the possibilities of cartoon-like design and movement in CGI. A recent effort in this direction is "Rob & Ron," directed by Magnus Igland Moller and Peter Smith of the up-and-coming Danish animation studio Tumblehead.

The unlikely combination of authentic sets (yes, they are handmade) and cartoon-modern character designs is immediately appealing. Achieving humorous computer animation with such design choices is no easy task, but the creators of "Rob & Ron" managed the challenge without difficulty.

Their creative solution to motion can be seen in this rigging demo:

Credits Director Magnus Igland Moller, Peter Smith Script and storyboard Mads Yule Background Eva Lee Wahlberg, Christian Borbing Andersson, Andreas Husbal Animation Eva Lee Wahlberg, Christian Borbing Andersson, Lars Ellingbo, Peter Smith Compositing Lars Ellingbo Pipeline Søren Berg Norbeck Music and Sound Thomas Richard Christensen, Peter Smith Jody Ann Ghani, Sia Søndergaard

(thanks to Erik Barkman via the Cartoon Brew Facebook group)
