-Stephen Universe" Compilation -Bubble Buddies

It's been more than a decade since Sponge Bob's "Bubble Buddy" aired. I've been thinking about it all week as Steven Universe began this week. That Sponge Bob is still burned into my brain (boo-boo key...) and ), and since Steven has a history of having minimal acquaintances, I figured he would make some pop buddies too. Nothing could be further from the truth. There was an earthquake, a few new characters, and a budding romance.

Gems mentions the earthquake, but does not return to it in so many words. During their conversation, they notice Steven riding his bike on the sand. They soon realize that he is trying to impress a young girl who is reading on the sand, but Steven warns them not to interfere because it might ruin his "funky flow." Up until this point, I had thought Stephen was too young to have these feelings. He seems so immature that it is odd to think he has a serious crush on a girl and acts upon it.

Let's take a short break from the story and talk more about Connie, this love interest of Steven's. She is taller than Stephen and darker in complexion than he is. I wanted to say that she is black, but assuming that Garnet and Amethyst are black because of their features, Connie is closer to Hispanic or Indian. The idea of race does not seem to matter at all in this world, but why should it? As a mixed-race person, this is an exciting element of the show because I can't help but smile when I see an interracial couple, animated or not. Aside from that, Connie knows a lot about boats because she spent a lot of time on the beach where her father works as a private security guard. I wonder if we will meet that father if he gets serious with Steven--perhaps on a first date--

Steven's botched attempts to impress Connie are all too similar to what we have come to know about him. This is evidenced by Stephen saving Connie from being flattened by a boulder, trapping them both in a bubble, trying and failing to burst the bubble, and finally saving Connie from the light-eating worm.

Besides Connie, there is Onion. This little mute, with its oddly shaped head, actually looks like a baby onion. Other than Gems, this is the first time a character resembles its namesake. I can't wait to see Onion again, as well as Pee Dee, who makes quite an appearance in this episode.

Steven always seems like a loner, but after meeting Connie, I realized that Steven is pretty decent with Jem and PeeDee by his side. He was heartbroken that Connie's death made him think that his parents would only worry about him. Pee Dee's speech showed the maturity of the program, just as it did in "Flybo."

Another human level that was touched upon was the idea of pure stalking. Steven was on the borderline of sweetness and strangeness when he admitted that after Connie lost her bracelet, she did not let it go for over a year. Then, like clockwork, the "Cheeseburger Backpack" appeared along with "Bubble Buddies." So far, we have a good grasp of Steven, Gems, and their colorful acquaintances. The big question I still have after all these episodes is about Steven's mother. All we know is that she had to cease to exist in order for him to be born. Let's hope that the next episode will explore that further and that Steven will get to know Connie a little better.

Storyboards for "Bubble Buddies" were done by Kat Morris and Aleth Romanillos.