Cast of "Bob's Burgers" Announces Live Tour

The cast of the animated series "Bob's Burgers," currently airing its fifth season on FOX, has come up with an unusual way to make money from live animated performances: in March, they will be touring live around the U.S., performing their animated series "Bob's Burgers," which is now in its fifth season. The live shows will feature stand-up performances by the cast, Q&A sessions, table readings with the characters, and yes, exclusive animated clips.

Cities currently on tour include: March 19: Minneapolis, Minnesota March 20: Chicago, Illinois March 21: Milwaukee, Wisconsin March 22: Detroit, Michigan March 25: Washington, D.C. March 26: Upper Darby, Pennsylvania March 27: New York, New York March 28: Boston, MA

(For those wondering why there are no West Coast performances, the cast did tour the West Coast in 2013).

Tickets for the show range from $45-$65, depending on the city. For an additional $125, VIP upgrades allow attendees to interact with the cast and receive merchandise such as t-shirts, aluminum water bottles, and posters.