Tussilago by Jonas Odell

This is the trailer for Tussilago, the latest short by Swedish director Jonas Odell. Story doesn't sound like typical fare: “In 1977 West German terrorist Norbert Kröcher was arrested for having planned to kidnap the Swedish politician Anna-Great Leijon. Among the people arrested during the following raids was Kröcher's former girlfriend 'A.' This is her story.”

Stylistically, it builds on Odell's prior two shorts–Lies and Never Like the First Time!–which were biographical narratives combining an artistic use of rotoscope and live-actors with motion graphic embellishments. Tussilago debuts the end of this month at the Göteborg International Film Festival and will screen at the Berlin International Film Festival next month. Other festivals will undoubtedly follow. On a related note, Revolver, a beloved early short that Odell co-directed, can be seen in its entirety on the Filmtecknarna website.